A general contracting company that is specialized in construction works, maintaining and construction multiple types of buildings, roads, bridges, airports, railways, dams, tanks, irrigation projects, ports, sewer systems, etc.
In addition, the company excells in mechanical and electrical works such as installing power plant equipment, telephone exchange system, air-conditioning systems, electrical mapping, telecom tower systems, etc.
We are looking forward to cover all sorts of requirements so that no matter what you need to get done, Grnada Group of Companies will be there for you. Our closest goal is to help providing solutions for overpopulation and help building apartments with the lowest costs and optimized qualities.
Grnada Group of Companies have accomplished and delivered numerous projects all around Iraq. Starting from the capital Baghdad and heading north toward Salaheddin and Kirkuk, as well as Diyala and Anbar and Karbala and Najaf. In addition, multiple thousand dollars' worth of projects have been delivered in Thi Qar, Muthanna, and Basrah.
With pride we can say that Grnada Group of Companies have a number of factories destributed all over Iraq in order to provide better service as a supplier company wherever the projects are required.
Our team consists of highly qualified and dedicated Iraqi people who have gathered from different cities to be available for Grnada Group headquarters to achieve a common goal in making a better country.