Group of Companies
H.S.E. Policy

Management believe that Safety, health, and environmentally conscious thinking are to characterize all work at Good actual and perceived safety whilst carrying out assignments within all of work areas of operation is one of the paramount requirements of the company.
Environmental considerations are to be taken into account wherever relevant, including precautionary measures for avoiding emissions to water, land or air.
1. Safety comes first in all our activities.
2. Accident prevention is a primary goal.
3. Safety is as much a matter of attitude as a technical matter. Effective safety work requires active co-operation from all staff.
4. All company activities shall be evaluated for risks in systematic and verifiable manner.
5. All injuries and potential hazards shall be attended to.
6. All aspects of ensuring the health of employees and customers are to be prioritized.
7. A secure, healthy, enjoyable workplace is a vital component of a profitable workplace.
8. All accidents and injuries should be reported to the responsible member immediately. With environmental issues such as water pollution, pollution and climate change, it is natural to look for ways we can reverse the damage to our planet and preserve our environmental cleanliness.

Many of us think we are too small to make a difference, but when we move enough we see the positive results we can create.
Today we look at the steps - big and small - that you can take to keep our environment clean and safe.

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About Grnada Group

It is an excellent rating group that works in a variety of engineering and trading fields. It has local and regional partners.

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